Appendix 01. Python Built-in Functions
1. Built-in functions
Function | description | input | output | change |
dir() | show all the varibales and functions(mehtods) in the object | object | list;['variables', fucntions] | X |
id() | return the memory address | object | int | X |
len() | return the number of imtes in container | container | int | X |
min() | return the minimum of an iterable data | iterable | object | X |
max() | return the maximum of an iterable data | iterable | object | X |
ord() | return the unicode poinit | chr | int | X |
sum() | return the sum of an iterable data | iterable | int | X |
type() | return the type of object | object | type | X |
2. Built-in functions2
2.1. del
delete object
del obj_name
delete (items in list) or (key in dict)
del my_list[0] del my_dict['name']
2.2. print
print('%d %f', %(200, 3.4)) print('{:d} {:f}' .format(200, 3.4)) print(f'{200:d} {3.4:f}')
conversion specifier
specifier conversion %d, :d decimal %o, :o octal %x, :x hexadecimal_lower %X, :X hexadecimal_upper %f, :f float %c, :ccharacter %s, :s string -
conversion specifier applications
specifier conversion %10d, %5f, %20s%>10d, %>5f, %>20s width of the fieldright aligned %010d, %05f, %020s width of the fieldright alignedfill left with 0 %-10d, %-5f, %-20s%<10d, %<5f, %<20s width of the fieldleft aligned %^10d, %^5f, %^20s width of the fieldcenter aligned %.2f, %5.2f width of the fielddecimal place of the float %.3s, %10.2s width of the fieldnum of printed chr from the left
2.3. enumerate(iterable, start=0)
return iterable elements paired with int that start with 'start' parameter
- return enumerbate object
- tuples are in the object
2.4. map(function, iterable)
apply the function to all the elements of iterable object * return map object
2.5. filter(function, iterable)
apply the function to all the elments of iterable object, and remain elemetns which are ture * return filter object
2.6. zip(*iterable)
pair elements in different iterable object according to its index number
- when the len of iterable objects are different >> take short as a standard
- return zip object
2.7. lambda paramter: function
used for defining a simple function
이전 포스트
05. Python Error Handling
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