02. JavaScript DOM and this
1. DOM
1.1. Document Object Model
Structured and Represented HTML documents as objects. Develpoers can access elements of a document with a programming language.
1.2. Special DOM objects
- The top-level object referring a tab in browser.
- methods and properties
- window.open()
- opens a new tab
- window.alert()
- shows an alerting window
- window.print()
- shows a tab for printing
- window.open()
- One of the properties of window, the top-level object of a document
1.3. Handling DOM
1.3.1. Select
selects the first corresponding element.
<body> <h1 id="title">DOM</h1> <p class="text">paragraph1</p> <p class="text">paragraph2</p> <script> document.querySelector('#title') // <h1 id="title">DOM</h1> document.querySelector('.text') // <p class="text">paragraph1</p> </script> </body>
- selects all the corresponding elements as a static NodeList
- Changes to the elements are not reflected in the static NodeList in real time.
- But
return a live NodeList which changes in real time.
- JavaScript Array methods can be applied to the NodeList.
<body> <h1 id="title">DOM</h1> <p class="text">paragraph1</p> <p class="text">paragraph2</p> <ul> <li>list1</li> <li>list2</li> </ul> <script> document.querySelectorAll('.text') // NodeList(2) [p.text, p.text] document.querySelectorAll('body > ul > li') // NodeList(2) [li, li] </script> </body>
- selects all the corresponding elements as a static NodeList
1.3.2. Manipulation
- document.createElement(tagName)
- Creates a HTML element specified by tagName
- Node.innerText
- Represents the rendered text content of a node and its descendants.
- Node.appendChild(childNode)
- Adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.
- Returns the appended child.
- Node.removeChild(childNode)
- Removes a child node from the DOM.
- Returns the removed node.
- Node.append()
- Inserts a set of Node objects or string objects after the last child of the Element
- Node.prepend()
- Inserts a set of Node objects or string objects before the first child of the Element
- Node.after()
- Inserts a set of Node or string objects just after the Element
- Node.before()
- Inserts a set of Node or string objects just before the Element
- Element.getAttribute(attributeName)
- Returns the value of a specified attribute of the element.
- If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be
- Element.setAttribute(name, value)
- Sets the value of an attribute of the element
- If the attribute already exists, the value is updated.
- Element.classList
- Returns a live DOMTokenList collection of the class attributes of the element
- The DOMTokenList interface represents a set of space-separated tokens.
- add()
- Adds the given tokens to the list
- remove()
- Removes the specified tokens from the list.
- replace(oldToken, newToken)
- Replaces an existing token with a new token.
- If the first token doesn't exist, replace() returns false immediately, without adding the new token to the token list.
- Toggle()
- Removes an existing token from the list and returns false. If the token doesn't exist it's added and the function returns true.
2. Event
Event Object contains information about events occurring in the system.
2.1. Event handler
2.1.1. addEventListener()
EventTarget.addEventListener(type, listener[, options])
When the type of event occurs ont the EventTarget, the listener fucntion is excuted.- type
- Type of the events
- listener
- Callback function that gets the
object as a parameter
- Callback function that gets the
- type
<button id="btn">Button</button>
<p id="counter">0</p>
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn')
const pTag = document.querySelector('#counter')
let countNum = 0
btn.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
countNum += 1
pTag.innerText = countNum
2.1.2. event.preventDefault()
Prevent the default function of the HTML tag when the event occurs.
<h1>Important Information</h1>
const h1Tag = document.querySelector('h1')
h1Tag.addEventListener('copy', function (event) {
// prevent copy
alert('cannot be copied')
<form action="#">
<input type="text" class="inputData" />
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
const formTag = document.querySelector('form')
const addTodo = function (event) {
// prevent submission
const inputTag = document.querySelector('.inputData')
const data = inputTag.value
if (data.trim()) {
const liTag = document.createElement('li')
liTag.innerText = data
const ulTag = document.querySelector('ul')
} else {
alert('Enter a value!')
formTag.addEventListener('submit', addTodo)
3. this
3.1. Global Area
indicates the global object.
3.2. Simple Call
indicates the global object.
const myFunc = function () {
console.log(this) // browser: window / Node.js: global
3.3. Call by Method
indicates the object called the method.
const myObj = {
data: 1,
myFunc() {
console.log(this) // myObj
console.log(this.data) // 1
myObj.muFunc() // myObj, 1
3.4. Nested Function
3.4.1. Simple Call
indicates the global object.
const myObj = {
numbers: [1],
myFunc() {
console.log(this) // myObj
this.numbers.forEach(function (number) {
console.log(number) // 1
console.log(this) // window
myObj.muFunc() //
3.4.2. Arrow Function
indciates the static scope which is one step above.
const myObj = {
numbers: [1],
myFunc() {
console.log(this) // myObj
this.numbers.forEach((number) => {
console.log(number) // 1
console.log(this) // myObj
myObj.muFunc() //
3.5. addEventListener()
In the case of addEventListener
, this
in the function with function
keyword indicates event.target
<button id="function">function</button>
<button id="arrow">arrow function</button>
const functionButton = document.querySelector('#function')
const arrowButton = document.querySelector('#arrow')
functionButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
console.log(this) // <button id="function">function</button>
arrowButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
console.log(this) // window
4. JS의 객체지향 역사
Object에 함수를 넣어 메소드처럼 사용할 수 있다.
메소드에서 Object의 다른 속성에 접근할 필요성이 생김에 따라 이를
라고 정의하였다. -
다른 객체지향 언어의 상속의 개념을 프로토타입을 이용하여 구현하였다. 하지만 이는 상속과 완전히 동일하지 않다.
원래 상속은 부모 클래스를 포함하는 형태로 구현되지만, 자바스크립트는 포인터처럼 특정 객체를 가리킨다. 프로토타입을 순차적으로 탐색하며 이를 prototype 체인이라고 말한다.let cat = { name: 'cat', age: 5, attack() { console.log(`${this.name} punch`) }, } let munchkin = { name: 'kitty', age: 2, } munchkin.__proto__ = cat munchikin.attack() // kitty punch. 프로토타입 체인이 선언되면 임의로 끊을 수 없다.
new 키워드를 이용하여 함수를 마치 클래스처럼 사용하여 객체를 정의할 수 있다. 또한 객체의 prototype 속성에 프로토타입 속성값을 추가할 수 있다. ES6
function Cat(name, age) { this.name = name this.age = age } Cat.prototype.attack = function () { console.log(`${this.name} punch`) } let myCat = new Cat('kitty', 3) myCat.attack()
다른 객체지향 언어와의 통일 성을 위해 기존의 function 키워드 대신 class 키워드 사용을 허락했다.
class Cat { constructor(name, age) { this.name = name this.age = age } } Cat.prototype.attack = function () { console.log(`${this.name} punch`) } let myCat = new Cat('kitty', 3) myCat.attack()
번외) this의 발전과정
- this의 문제점
const myPrice = { exchangeRate = 1432, prices: [10, 50, 100] printPrices: function() { this.prices.forEach(function(price)) { // myPrice console.log(price * this.exchangeRate) // 가리키는 대상이 없음. window를 가리킴 } } }
- 초기 대안
const myPrice = { exchangeRate = 1432, prices: [10, 50, 100] printPrices: function() { this.prices.forEach(function(price)) { // myPrice console.log(price * this.exchangeRate) }.bind(this) // 지금 위치의 this랑 안에 위치랑 같은 bind 시켜 } }
- 콜백 함수의 등장
const myPrice = { exchangeRate = 1432, prices: [10, 50, 100] printPrices: function() { this.prices.forEach((price)) => { // arrow function에 .bind(this)가 내포되어있다. console.log(price * this.exchangeRate) } } }