Django Fixtures
1. Fixtures
How to share theinitial data during the development phase.
1.1. The Definition of Fixtures
The collection of data that Django knows how to import into the database.
1.2. The Default Path of Fixtures
By default, Django looks in the fixtures directory inside each app for fixtures. You can set the FIXTURE_DIRS setting to a list of additional directories where Django should look.
Based on my experience, the BASE_DIR
is also one of the default paths.
1.3. Create Fixtures
- dumpdata
python -Xutf8 dumpdata --indent 4 AppName.ModelName > FileName.json
- Ex.
python -Xutf8 dumpdata --indent 4 articles.article > articles.json
is for UTF8 format. It should be included if your data has korean letters.--indent 4
is optional, just for making the file look good.
- Ex.
- Move the fixtures into
- If the file name is duplicated, you should divide the name space of fixtrues
- If the file name is duplicated, you should divide the name space of fixtrues
1.4. Import Fixtures
Considering the dependence between models, independent models should be loaded first.-
python loaddata FileName.json
If the namespace is divided
python loaddata AppName/FileName.json
To avoid considering model relationships
python loaddata FileName1.json FileName2.json FileName3.json
이전 포스트
Django CRUD with Model Form
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